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» » Ralph Lundsten - Strangers In Paradise (1984)

Ralph Lundsten - Strangers In Paradise (1984)

Ralph Lundsten - Strangers In Paradise (1984)

Artist: Ralph Lundsten
Country: Sweden
Album: Strangers In Paradise
Year of release: 1984
Style: Electronic, Abstract
Format: MP3 CBR 320 kbps
Size: 95 mb (+3%)


01. Edge Of Eden (7:10)
02. The Gate (8:15)
03. Pulse Dance (3:56)
04. Wormy Apple (1:37)
05. Paradise Winds (7:45)
06. Pleasure Principle (4:55)
07. Spellbound (6:15)

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supermouper 25 May 2011 22:31
Нравится слово абстракт...
правда он у всех разный...
Совпадёт ли нашьььь??? wassat
админ лох


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