Artist: Tankard
Album: Fat, ugly and live
Genre: Thrash
Year of release: 1991
Format: mp3 320 kbs+Vinylrip .flac(tracks)
Size:mp3- 95,7 МБ+39,1 МБ, .flac-402MБ
Uploaded to: Яndex
1. The Meaning Of Life
2. Mercenary
3. Beermuda
4. Total Addiction
5. Poison
6. We Are Us
7. Maniac Forces
8. Live To Dive
9. Chemical Invasion
10. The Morning After
11. Space Beer
12. Medley (Acohol, Puke, Mon Cheri, Wonderful Life)
13. (Empty) Tankard
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Edited news alegach - 22-05-2013, 00:28
Reason: Добавлен Vinylrip .flac(Noise International ‎– N 0131-5)