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» » A Caress of Twilight - Waiting for the Aryan Gods Renaissance (2005)

A Caress of Twilight - Waiting for the Aryan Gods Renaissance (2005)

A Caress of Twilight - Waiting for the Aryan Gods Renaissance (2005)

Artist:A Caress of Twilight
Album:Waiting for the Aryan Gods Renaissance
Year of release:2005
Style:Viking Metal
Quality:mp3 320kbps


1. Wrath of the Disgraces (Thunder Thorn's) - Prologue
2. Moonlight Fantasy ( The Berserk's Attack)
3. The Valkyries Singing
4. The Return I...
5. The Aryan Call for War
6. Landscape of the Twilight Art - Fragment
7. Winds of Death...The Fall of Christ Church
8. Under the Banner of Eternal Sun
9. A Caress of Twilight I (Viking's Last Journey)
10. The Eyes of Dark Forest - Epilogue

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jack frost 27 May 2010 15:44
это не viking и не metal
что-то среднее между скандинавским neofolk'ом и ambient'ом


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