Artist: Ars Nova
Country: Japan
Album: Biogenesis
Genre: Symphonic Prog
Year of release: 2003
Format: MP3 CBR 320
Size: 108 МБ
Файлобменник: Cloud.mail
Арьен Люкассен не забыл вклад Кейко во "Flight of the Migrator", и в 2003 году нанес в "Ars Nova" ответный визит, выступив в качестве гостя на альбоме "Biogenesis project".
Alex Brunori Vocal
Arjen Anthony Lucassen Electric Guitars
Gianni Leone Vocal, Synth Solo
Claudio Simonetti Synth Solo
Lucio Fabbri Violin
Atsushi Hasegawa Bass
Masuhiro Goto Drums, Percussions, 2nd Electric & Acoustic Guitar, Voice
Takeo Shimoda Drums
Numero Ueno Acoustic Guitar, Chorus, Effect
Robert Allen Storyteller
Barbara Allen Announcement, Computer Voice
Takehito Kimura Latin Piano
Megumi Model
1. Introduction 6:01
2. Escape 8:17
3. Mother Earth 2:27
4. Metamorphosis 6:17
5. Humanoid's Breakfast 3:12
6. Against the Meteors 3:28
7. Trust to the Future 15:21
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Edited news luki - 5-08-2016, 19:29
Reason: Замена ссылки, улучшение качества