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» » Carlos Vamos & Lindsay Buckland - Famous Unknowns 2008

Carlos Vamos & Lindsay Buckland - Famous Unknowns 2008

Carlos  Vamos & Lindsay Buckland - Famous Unknowns 2008

Artist: Carlos Vamos & Lindsay Buckland
Country: Netherlands
Album: Famous Unknowns
Genre: Latin; Rock; Guitar Virtuoso
Year of release: 2008
Format: MP3 VBR 229~249 Kbb/c
Size:207 Мб


1. Trans Amazonian Highway 00:07:53
2. Light Of Day 00:07:00
3. Cash Country 00:04:16
4. The Longing 00:08:06
5. Beautiful Fig 00:07:31
6. Whirling Devas 00:05:53
7. Walking With Ravi 00:07:35
8. Verdis Blues 00:02:30
9. Classigall 00:04:42
10. Getting Karma 00:10:27

1. Daft Shaft 00:03:47
2. Cry Of The Valkyrie 00:06:20
3. Divine 00:05:11
4. Take Us 00:03:10
5. The Pleasant Orbit 00:08:45
6. Cash County 00:03:19
7. Beat (I Like That) 00:03:43
8. New Light 00:05:31
9. Catmosphere 00:05:19
10. Cowboy Risotto 00:04:26
11. Kamikaze Requiem 00:02:52
12. When You Feel Good 00:04:09



maha 10 July 2013 21:26
На фига файл удалили !?


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